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March 30, 2020

What's new in ES2019 (ES10)

Hey everybody, today we're going to look at the new features and changes introduced in ES2019 (also known as ES10) and see some practical use cases for each. There's two new methods available to arrays: .flat() and .flatMap. The .flat() method will return a new array with any…

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March 30, 2020

Video: What's new in ES2019 (ES10)

After a bit of a break, I posted a new video called "What's new in ES2019 (ES10)" where I review the features added in ES2019 (aka ES10). You can watch the video below, or read the related article:.

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April 18, 2019

Video: ES6: String Templates

Just posted a new video called "ES6 String Templates" which compares various ways of defining strings in JavaScript. You can watch the video below, or you can read the related article:.

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February 16, 2019

ES6: Tagged Template Literals

In a previous post we looked at the string templates introduced in ES6 (or ES2015 if you prefer). We'll dig a bit deeper at how string templates are working "under the hood", and how we can expand upon them with Tagged Template Literals". How Do String Templates Work? Before we…

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February 02, 2019

ES6: String Templates

When ES6 (aka ES2015) landed in 2015, we were introduced to a new way of working with strings and variables: String Templates. Let's take a look at various ways of working with strings and how string templates improves this experience. I also added a video version of this lesson…

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January 29, 2019

The Importance of Peer Code Reviews

Do Code Reviews Really Matter? Having a second set of eyes to review code is key to catching potential problems. You might already be using linters in your projects, but code reviews provide a method of enforcing coding standards that are difficult to automate away. Code reviews…

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January 21, 2019

ES6: Defining Variables (let, const)

With the release of ES6 (or ES2015, whichever you prefer) in 2015, we were given two new ways to define variables: let and const. To understand what value these provide, we'll take a look at the original way to define variables with var and its problems, then we can see how let…

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January 18, 2019

Punctuation for Web Developers (Part 2)

In Part 1 of Punctuation for Web Developers we looked at hyphens and dashses. This time we'll look at quotes, ellipses, and how best to use them. As a programmer, you likely type single-quotes (or "apostrophes") and double-quotes on a daily basis, but did you know that those aren…

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January 15, 2019

Punctuation for Web Developers (Part 1)

As a front-end developer you'll inevitably have to work with copy or text. Whether you're writing your own copy or it is provided to you, it is important to have proper grammar by using the right characters. For this article we'll take a look at hyphens and dashes. If you take a…

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January 10, 2019

Intro to Functional Programming

What is Functional Programming? Functional programming is a style of programming where you avoid mutating (or changing) data directly, but instead create new data. The key to functional programming (and the reasons it's called "functional" programming) are functions, which when…

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